The Radio Club of Redmond does not directly operate any repeaters or scheduled nets, but our members do participate on those in the area. We include this list for the benefit of our members and community.
Location Call Frequency Offset CTCSS Tone Notes Woodinville K6RFK 147.340 + 100 Hz Traditional “Club repeater” Union Hill W7DX 147.000 + 103.5 WWDXC Cougar Mtn W7WWI 147.080 + 103.5 SnoVARC KE7GFZ 441.825 + 103.5 Redmond KC7IYE 145.310 + 103.5 Snohomish WA7DEM 442.975 + 103.5 Good north coverage PSRG Seattle WW7PSR 146.960 + 103.5 3 Daily Nets Everett WA7LAW 147.180 + 103.5 Kirkland K7LWH 145.490 – 103.5 Nets daily Tiger Mtn WA7HJR 444.6375 + DV D-STAR, great coverage Seattle Fusion WW7SEA 444.425 + 141.3/141.3 C4FM, Wires-X Cougar Mtn DMR N7ERP 441.2875 + CC1 DMR Mike & Key K7LED 146.820 – 103.5
Social Nets
Name Day Time(s) Repeater Notes PSRG Daily Nets Daily 0900, 1200, 2100 146.96/+/103.5 Health & Wellness Daily 1100 145.49/-/103.5 GOTA and New Ham Tech Net Tuesday 1900 441.825/+/103.5 Welcoming Net Tuesday 1900 145.49/-/103.5 Remembering “DB” Mike & Key Tech Net Wednesday 1900 146.82/-/103.5 Bring your tech questions Louie Net Wednesday 1900 145.49/-/103.5 Recycle, Repurpose, and Reuse. Friday Tech Net Friday 1900 441.825/+/103.5 Round Robin Net Friday 1900 145.49/-/103.5 No host round-robin